
"Siska’s film [Compass Cabaret 55] is a fascinating backward look at what might almost be described as an alternative cultural history, one focused not on stars, spectacles and marketing, but rather intellect, community and imagination." Hugh Iglarsh, New City
"A must-see for any theater or improv lover!" Barbara Scharres, Gene Siskel Film Center
"I incautiously asked Mark Siska, CUFF's director, to send me tapes of "a few of the more interesting films." Siska is a true democrat to whom all of the films are interesting, and so my mailbox filled up with 16 movies." Roger Ebert, Chicago Suntimes


An Invitation to Drama and Drinks: Sixty Years Ago, Chicago's Compass Reinvented Comedy
March 5, 2015
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Compass Cabaret 55: How Chicago Became National Comedy Central
Gapers Block
January 8, 2015
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Stranger Than Fiction series highlights locally-made documentaries
WBEZ Morning Shift Chicago
January 8, 2015
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Review Compass Cabaret 55
Chicago Tribune
January 8, 2015
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Compass Cabaret 55
Chicago Reader
January 5, 2015
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Late Director Mike Nichols Featured in New Doc About Compass
Sun Times Chicago
January 5, 2015
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The Boot Factory
December 13, 2002
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Chicago Underground Film Festival Features Filmmakers Far From Mainstream
Roger Ebert
August 13, 1996
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